Sir – I was shocked to read the letter from Edward Richardson in the May 19 edition. Mr Gray is indeed a very real person, widely respected and admired by the many who know him. One might say this was universally so by those in the hospitality industry.

There is no ‘Aunt Fennel’, but Rosemarie and Olive may be seen with Hermione-Elizabeth, a most charming woman. I do not think it is widely known that all three are former beauty queens and at one time it was suggested they could combine to form a very updated and very upmarket version of the Andrews Sisters.

Sadly for their wider audience this was not to be as Rosemarie’s demanding photographic work, Olive’s painting and Hermione-Elizabeth’s rather hush-hush electronics gave them too little time.

I have, however, to suggest that I have some doubts concerning Mr Richardson.

Consider the facts — he states Mr Gray is fictional yet devotes time to some very mean-minded criticisms. Odd. Despite the thrust of his letter, he suggests a new fictional character. Very odd. Finally he characterises John Bercow as ‘notable’. Very, very odd.

I am tempted to suggest that perhaps Mr Richardson is another fictional character, perhaps originating from some undergraduates with too much time and too little supervision.

Gerard van Dam, Eynsham