Ovlov is Volvo backwards. I can testify to this as earlier this month I drove for 10 miles on the A34 at 50mph, with some moron in an articulated wagon six feet from my rear bumper. And all I could see in my rear view mirror was the legend Ovlov.

In an effort to put a respectable distance between us I put my foot down until I hit 70mph, in the belief that at least he’d drop back and we could see a little less of each other. But no, he kept up with me, and again my rear view mirror was filled with Ovlov.

I had to make the return journey later that day, and this time my rear view mirror was filled with the legend Fad, which apparently is Daf backwards.

The driver and I played the same scenario as I did with Ovlov, and with the same result.

In all my 45 years of driving, much of it on motorways and roads like the A34, I have come to the conclusion that the lorry driver, the self-proclaimed ‘knights of the road’ are, without doubt, the worst drivers on our roads.

They consider a brief flash of the indicator or, in most cases, no sign at all as a God-given right to pull out into an outside lane, regardless of who else is travelling in it, using the excessive weight of their wagon to bully their way through.

It appears many graphic images of motorway accidents almost inevitably involve at least one lorry.

Some of them also have the temerity to display a sign on the rear of their wagons saying: “If you can’t see my mirrors then I can’t see you.”

If, as intended, the police will be given powers to tackle inconsiderate drivers, including tailgaters, maybe they could spend a little time cruising the A34 keeping a weather eye out of Ovlov and Fad.

KEN ROPER, Morton Avenue, Kidlington