LEADERS at a troubled primary school have said their programme of improvements is starting to have an effect.

Wheatley Primary School was put into special measures by Ofsted inspectors in November because of poor attainment by pupils.

Inspectors have now reported ‘satisfactory’ progress in their first return visit since being told to improve.

In its first monitoring visit, Ofsted said intensive support for Year Six pupils had closed attainment gaps, but progress among average and able pupils was inconsistent.

It said teachers were now enjoying their work and were eager to make the curriculum more exciting.

Governor Liz Wickens said: “There is a different atmosphere in the school now.

“Morale took a big knock when Ofsted put the school into special measures. Now parents are seeing some of the changes we have made working through.”

She added: “Probably the most noticeable difference is the impact on the teachers.

“A lot of work has been done on the quality of teaching, and that has clearly gone up.”

Parents also formed a forum to feed back their ideas to the school’s leaders, while others have volunteered to refit the library and catalogue books.

Governors have also been given extra training to help lead the 310-pupil school.

Headteacher Joan Morters said: “There is much more to do, particularly in helping the more able pupils consistently achieve their full potential, but our aim is to come out of special measures not just as satisfactory but as a good school or better.

“We have been a bit more rigorous with everything: a lot more monitoring of teaching and learning, raised expectations for the teachers and the same for the children.

“We expect them to do a little bit better, and work a little bit harder.”

Last week, Henley MP John Howell visited to speak to pupils, staff and governors, as part of a tour of all 60 schools in his constituency.

He said: “Wheatley Primary is in special measures and it is important to show that people are committed about improvement and wanting to engage to get out of as quickly as possible.

“I was very pleased with the tour and there are huge opportunities there.

“They are clearly working hard.”