I CAN’T believe that, for the past 30 years, Pam Mason from Long Hanborough has suffered with really bad bouts of migraine, because the NHS said the operation would not be cost-effective (Oxford Mail, May 21).

When you think of the cost of the medication over 30 years, plus the £35-a-time Botox injections, then I would have thought that the £3,000 operation would have brought a satisfactory result for this lady.

And for the rest of her life, she would be saving money for the NHS because she wouldn’t need her expensive medication any more.

This seems to be another case of it not mattering what you are but who you are. But what’s the good spending a lot of money to solve such conditions if they end up being not cost-effective.

Perhaps this lady should get in touch with David Cameron. He seems to think he can do anything.

He helps thousands of people abroad with taxpayers’ money, so it is about time he used some of it to help this lady and others like her.

P HOWARD, Brome Place, Barton, Oxford