During Prime Minister’s Questions recently, Mr Cameron was asked by an MP why the air ambulance service could not reclaim VAT on fuel, while the RNLI could.

A casual answer from the Prime Minister was that it was a European Union ruling.

Any MPs with any nous should have created uproar in the House. Surely, there is a problem of direct discrimination here,and it needs to be sorted.

How woefully pathetic Westminster has become if it is powerless to allow the vital air ambulance service to avoid paying VAT on fuel.

The shameful MPs are merely automatons, conditioned to be oblivious to this outrage.

They are meant to represent their constituents, but all they do is kowtow to Brussels.

The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) will always be seen to respect the UK’s historical past and fight for the restoration of national sovereignty lost over recent years to Brussels and once again be ruled by a properly accountable Parliament in Westminster.