BICESTER’s new mayor Rose Stratford has taken on the mantle a decade after her husband.

Mrs Stratford already has some experience of the role as her husband Lawrie, a district and county councillor, was mayor in 2001.

But this time her husband will be her consort for the next 12 months.

Mrs Stratford, a former company accountant for a London-based multinational firm, is already well known in the town as a school governor and active member organisations including the Citizens’ Advice Bureau and Courtyard Youth Arts Centre.

This year she will support five local charities – Bicester Hospital League of Friends, Bicester and Launton Royal British Legion, Bicester Food Bank, Bicester 2507 Air Training Corps, and Bicester Choral and Operatic Society.

Mrs Stratford took over as mayor from Richard Mould.

She said: “I hope to be able to live up to the great example set by my predecessors, one being my husband Lawrie.

“By being involved with different and diverse organisations I am able to get to appreciate the concerns, needs, complaints and hopes of our residents, and do my best to make sure their voice is heard. I will do my very best to serve the people of Bicester and to be a good ambassador for our town wherever I go.”

Mrs Stratford moved to the town more than 18 years ago when the firm Mr Stratford worked for relocated from Kent. The pair have been local councillors since 1999. Mrs Stratford is also a Cherwell district councillor.