In a very odd review in the Mail On Sunday this week theatre critic Georgina Brown slagged off the RSC’s new production of Macbeth, starring Jonathan Slinger (pictured), while revealing her own ignorance about the play.

She wrote: “The three weird sisters who plant the notion of becoming king in the ambitiouis mind of Macbeth are the ghosts of the three little Macduff children whom Macbeth slaughters because they stand between him and the throne (not that you’d know this unless you were already familiar with the play).”

Which Ms Brown clearly isn’t. Macbeth is already king when the children are slain; he turns against Macduff because of the witches’ warning to beware of him and because he plans treachery.

Later, the critic describes Banquo as “the friend [Macbeth] bumped off because he knew too much”.

Again wrong. As most schoolboys know, Banquo was killed in an attempt by Macbeth to prevent fulfilment the witches’ prediction that he would found a dynasty of kings.