THE consortium behind Bicester’s eco town have submitted a new planning application after being told the first was not green enough.

Among the changes are reduced car parking, alterations to the landscape and design of the northern section, more variety in the design of houses and a pledge to improve transport connections.

The P3Eco group originally submitted a planning application last November for the first stage of the 5,000 ecosettlement at farmland in North West Bicester, near Caversfield.

But Oxfordshire County Council, Cherwell District Council and Bicester Town Council, along with Thames Valley Police, raised concerns about the plan for houses, shops and offices. They cited a lack of biodiversity, no green jobs and too much car parking at the site.

There were also concerns plans for a school were not included in the first phase, despite a site being chosen.

P3Eco chairman Ian Inshaw said the new application would “define ground-breaking new standards in sustainable housing development”.