OXFORD’S Arab Muslims met at the weekend to discuss plans to build the city’s fourth mosque.

Two years ago a campaign group called Darussalam – meaning House of Peace – was set up by the Arabic community with the aim of creating their own mosque and education centre.

About £2m has been promised towards the project, but they are struggling to find a suitable building or site to build on.

Dr Hojjat Ramzy, a trustee of Darussalam, said there were about 2,500 Arab Muslims living in Oxford, but only room for 500 of them to attend prayer meetings at Cowley Road Community Centre.

He said: “For a number of years the Arab Muslims of Oxford have had to make do with temporary accommodation which is unsuitable for their worshipping and educational needs.

“We met on Sunday to discuss our efforts to find a place either in Oxford, or just on the edge where Arab Muslims can meet and pray, and also for the wider community to use.”

The current unrest in the Middle East was also discussed.

Dr Ramzy said: “A lot of people in Oxford are from these places and very worried about what is going on in their home countries.

“They came to ask what is being done by the Government to help and Andrew Smith answered questions.”