PRAYERS were said in the Oxfordshire village where the body of Swindon woman Sian O’Callaghan was found.

Worshippers prayed for the 22-year-old at Uffington’s St Mary’s Church yesterday, just a mile from where the 22-year-old PA’s body was found in a roadside ditch.

Wiltshire Police yesterday charged Swindon taxi driver Chris Halliwell, 47, with her murder.

Miss O’Callaghan’s body was found in a ditch off the B4507 near Uffington and Kingston Lisle on Thursday afternoon, near White Horse Hill.

They believe she was dumped there several days after going missing.

St Mary’s churchwarden Fay Forster said: “We prayed for Sian and for her family and friends. ”

Halliwell, who was arrested in Swindon on Thursday, will appear before magistrates in the town today.

Case officers have also found the bones of a second suspected victim at Eastleach, on the Gloucestershire-Oxfordshire border, near Burford.

Det Supt Steve Fulcher said they believe the woman was aged 23 to 30 and was taken from the Swindon area between 2003 and 2005.

Sian was last seen alive in CCTV footage filmed close to Suju nightclub in the Old Town area of Swindon in the early hours of Saturday, March 19, after a night out with friends.