MEMBERS of the Oxford Sub-Aqua Club held an open night at Temple Cowley Baths in 1963 to publicise their activities. Stephen Pritchard is seen in the first picture fitting a face mask and snorkel to one of the guests, Glen Lynn, a student at Rycotewood Agricultural College at Thame.

Children from New Marston First School were due to plant trees at Dunstan Road recreation ground during National Tree Week in 1988, but in the excitement, no-one remembered to bring tools to dig the holes. City councillor Betty Standingford, who lived nearby, came to the rescue with three spades from her shed. Landscaper Kevin Stowell is seen in the second picture with some of the children.

Profits from a tea bar at the Artificial Limb and Appliance Centre at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre were used to buy equipment for the centre. At a presentation in 1975, seen in the third picture, a stretcher, stools, floral arrangements, teddy bears and records were handed over.