While I was encouraged to read of the Government’s plans to create ‘super destinations’ to increase the number of Brits holidaying at home, it does raise the question as to whether the UK hospitality industry is fit for the challenge?

For this strategy to be a success there has to be pressure applied to increase the standards of British hotels.

Tour operators are very good at driving standards up and progress has happened in Spain and Greece over the past 20 years. But it also has to happen here.

The problem is that many UK hotels still suffer from a touch of arrogance that means they believe they are better than their foreign counterparts when in fact this isn’t necessarily the case.

For countries like Spain, Greece and Turkey, tourism is a driving force in their economy and as such, the industry is taken extremely seriously They understand the impact that poor standards can have on a country’s reputation and the number of visitors to the area.

The UK doesn’t adopt the same mindset, and this must change before it can begin to compete with overseas resorts.

UK hotels need to look at the extra lengths that European hotel operators are going to with regards to standards, and learn from them, or this strategy will just be added to the long list of failed government initiatives.

Steve Tate, Chairman, Check Safety First