Now that the United Nations is showing concern for the lives of civilians, has imposed a No Fly Zone over Libya and legitimised strikes by US and European forces against Gadaffi’s military installations, can we assume that similar concern will be shown for the inhabitants of Gaza, and a No Fly Zone imposed?

During Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in December 2008, which was planned six months ahead to coincide with the US presidential elections and thus avoid headlines in the media, 1,400 civilians – including 300 children – were killed by the Israeli forces, many of them burned to death by white phosphorous delivered by American-supplied F-16s and AH-64s.

If, as it seems, there has been a shift in policy by the UN and some its members, and a new-found concern for the lives of civilians under oppressive regimes, perhaps we can expect similar strong action against Israeli atrocities. Or would that be an infringement of Israel’s apparent immunity from International Law?

Gordon Clack, Witney Road, Ducklington, Witney