Sir – Please allow me to conclude my correspondence, based on faith schools, by referring to three letters in your last edition.

Firstly, my thanks to Dane Clouston for enlivening the letters page with his thoughts on this matter. I had a long, lively but amicable conversation with him from which we both benefitted and we parted on the best of terms.

Secondly, I loved Hubert Allen’s reference to ‘good little atheists’, a label to which someone near and dear to me would happily subscribe.

And thirdly, I would comment more adequately on John Miles’ letter about ‘hereditarianism=determinism’ if I had a clue what he was on about!

Fortunately, as a committed Christian, I know what I understand and I understand what I know; long may we both live!

Bob Forster, Shipton-under-Wychwood