RUGBY players swapped scrum caps for sequins at a cross-dressing charity contest in Didcot yesterday.

Two sides from the St Birinus School sixth form put on their glad rags for a game of rough and tumble which ended 33-33.

Pictured clockwise from bottom left are Jack Pointing, Sam Bailey,Conner McCaffery and Joel Griffiths The fundraising match was the idea of PE teacher Andy Heley, who is running the London Marathon for deaf and blind charity Sense.

Mr Heley, who plays for Chinnor Rugby Club, said: “I suggested the idea of a charity match in drag to the sixth form and, you know what lads are like, they loved the idea.”

Conner, 17, said: “Everyone enjoyed themselves.

“What was worrying was all the lads in the changing rooms talking about how comfy the clothes were.”

Mr Heley, 29, said he chose the Sense charity as his fiancee, Megan Foster, is deaf.

The game raised more than £500 towards the £1,500 he has to raise for the charity to secure his marathon place.