I WAS thinking about some of our local authority councillors, especially the leader of Oxfordshire County Council, Keith Mitchell.

A doctor, Diana Sanders, who dedicates her all to the sick made a statement in the Oxford Mail about libraries.

The great Mr Mitchell answered her with, I believe, a great insult about her integrity (Oxford Mail, February 17).

This man is a councillor who is making decisions on how to cut services in many areas of the community, which, he has said, will affect the old, rich, poor and of course, the general public at large.

Following his insult to Dr Sanders, he admitted he was sorry, as he didn’t know her.

But the worry to me is that he is in charge of a large council and is making life-threatening decisions.

I only hope that the decisions he makes, and which are going to affect us all, have been made with knowledge of all the facts – and not by using guesswork.

I think that not very far into the future, he and his fellow councillors will be making another apology – this time to everyone in Oxfordshire.

I also wonder just how much voluntary work he and his councillors will be putting themselves forward for as part of the Big Society.

BILL GOODWIN, Pebble Hill, Radley