OXFORD city councillor Mary Clarkson has defended the decision by the Labour administration to abolish Oxford’s area committees.

In the Oxford Mail’s Issue (February 17) she said that often only two people attend. I’m sorry to hear that; in our February area committee we had 67 people attending.

But there are obviously ways in which the council needs to improve publicity for the committees as so many people haven’t heard of them.

Area committees are like a regular monthly surgery, with all the local councillors present, as well as a forum for ideas.

Even if there are months when not many attend, the committees can, and do, provide a regular opportunity – a place where people can go if they are not happy with planning applications in their area, or any other aspect of the way the council is managing facilities in their area.

They can ask for funding for local initiatives and there will be a full transparent discussion.

It’s really good when people come back to thank us for something we have managed to get done.

The Labour plan to replace the committees with ad hoc optional forums, arranged by councillors and paid for them out of a £1,500 budget, is only token.

This money can be spent by councillors in other ways but there will be no public accountability for how they use these small funds.

Add this to the other change that the Labour administration has installed – that their leader will become a “strong leader” with total powers to decide who is on the executive and to stand people down at will – and you have a totalitarian council that even our county Tories might envy.

Legally, the administration has to consult on the plan to abolish the area committees, which continues until March 25.

You can find the online consultation or forms in libraries and community centres if you feel that this is a backward step.

Nuala Young, Chairman, East Area parliament, Tree Lane, Oxford