Sir – Ten years after redesigning Frideswide Square, the county council are trying to sort out the mess they created. About time too.

They have no money except ours, but plan to spend £300,000 planning a replacement and another £5m if they can get it.

Councillor Rodney Rose sounded dismissive of any suggestion of switching off the lights. Perhaps an experiment or two wouldn’t be a bad idea?

Relying on the anecdotal evidence of a council employee who witnessed a near miss isn’t really good enough. They happen all the time. What is the objection to an experiment? Why do we always have to wait and wait to spend vast amounts, only to be disappointed with the outcome?

Still what’s £300,000 and another five years? We could get Richard Rogers for that. Better still Galliano is looking for a job. It might not be their forte but they could hardly make a bigger mess than the council’s last effort.

Mark Lowen, Kidlington