WE ARE being forced to bow to a series of mad European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) rulings giving votes and benefits to murderers and criminals in the interest of human rights.

However, in my experience it is some other EU member states that need to learn about human rights.

A friend of mine moved to Spain four years ago, tempted by the idea of a sunny existence.

When they bought their little house it , of course, had a water supply – otherwise they wouldn’t have bought it. However, they did not move in immediately as they were waiting for things like the kitchen to be installed.

Because they were not living there, no meter readings were submitted and they used no water.

Nevertheless, workmen physically dug up the water pipes just before they moved in, in August 2008.

Since then they have been repeatedly promised reconnection but it has not taken place. Twice a day they have to walk to the village to bring back water.

They have got two water butts but for nine months of the year there is no rain.

They cannot sell the house and move now because of the lack of water. They are trapped, and cannot afford to take legal action.

This is a human rights issue, but it’s funny how, in the eyes of the ECHR, only murderers and rapists have human rights.

Julia Gasper Trinity Road Headington Oxford