I WRITE regarding the plans for a major new redevelopment of Botley.

It seems that with plans to sell land, the Vale of White Horse District Council sees the library closure as a foregone conclusion, which I hope it is not.

However, I may have a suggestion that would need proper research and consideration but could save Botley library and possibly others.

Matthew Arnold School currently has quite a good school library but it’s really too small for the size of the school. And being on the first floor it isn’t accessible to all pupils.

Now, I admit there needs to be a lot of research and planning, and there will be access issues, but if Botley Library has to go down the volunteer route, could we combine with the school library and hope to persuade the county council to fund alternative accommodation on the school site?

We would probably need to have segregated access to allay child protection concerns, but it could work well.

The school would gain access to a bigger book catalogue and their current computer system could be replaced by the Central Library system, so pupils would have access to all the Central Library’s books.

It may also be possible for the school to provide other facilities as well (such as web access and cafe) to help offset the running costs.

Some funds should also be available from the sum set aside by the county council.

If Matthew Arnold is deemed too far outside of Botley, what about Botley Primary School?

It currently doesn’t really have a library, so anything that enhances what they have would be a boon.

I realise there would be issues with access and Saturday and holiday opening, but if it came down to the option of no library or one from Monday-Friday during term time only, I know what I would vote for.

This may also work for the other threatened libraries close to schools.

DAVE RALPHS, Hazel Road, Botley, Oxford