ONCE again we are reporting another edict masquerading under health and safety rules but lacking in any common sense.

Banning swiming goggles at school swimming lessons just seems plain daft. And Oxfordshire County Council, it appears, has adopted this new policy without seemingly having analysed it.

We asked the county, not unreasonably, why the ban? What is the problem and where is the evidence?

All we got was the statement reported in today’s story, which boils down to: We’re just following what someone thinks is a good idea, guv.

Surely we would hope the council had looked into the reasons and could justify its decision.

If it is going to issue edicts, we’d expect it to have its own opinions and not be led sheeplike along with the flock.

Leicestershire has this ban and says the eyewear is dangerous as it could snap back into a child’s face and there is reduced peripheral vision.

Frankly, as thousands of children and adults prove in public swimming pools every weekend, that’s poppycock, but at least it has the backbone to give its reasons.

Our county council should stop hiding behind this wave of health and safety nonsense.