I am a dog owner, and a responsible one. I pick up my dog’s poop, I keep my pet on a tight lead, and I respect the general public when I am taking him out to the park for a walk.

My dog, Charlie, is a cross between a Staffordshire bull terrier and a rottweiler, so he is big, but very lovable and friendly.

However, being a big dog he needs to be able to have a good run to keep him fit and healthy.

I have noticed recently that more and more parks are becoming less dog friendly, with rules such as not being able to let your dog off the lead.

I worry about letting Charlie off his lead in case he approaches people who don’t want him to, in case he poops and I don’t see it, or in case he makes a dash for a gate and ends up in the street.

There is a need for dog-friendly parks: enclosed spaces where dogs are allowed to run freely but can’t get out, with plenty of dog waste bins, and an awareness that it is a dog park.

I frequently walk Charlie at the Cowley Marsh park which is currently undergoing some fine refurbishment, making it a wonderful place for humans to play – with new basketball hoops, cricket pitches and a play area for the kids.

It is fantastic to see the council putting this much effort and money into improving our parks, but please don’t forget that some of us are also dog owners.

Where is the area in the park for people to let their dogs run freely and safely, away from the public who do not want to be greeted by a big slobbery dog?

There is an area of the Marsh park which was the old tennis courts, which would be a great place for people to use as a dog park.

What would it cost to turn it into a dog park? Probably nothing. Just leave it as it is; it’s already fenced in and gated. If I was being really demanding, I would ask for some dog waste bins and a couple of benches would be nice, and a sign recognising it as a dog park.

Please don’t forget that there are still dog owners out there who love their pets, want the best for them and wish to keep them happy and healthy.

A safe run in a recognised dog park could provide that.

Hayley Hitchcock Church Hill Road Cowley Oxford