David Cameron has criticized state multiculturalism and argued the UK needs a stronger national identity to stop people turning to extremism. What he doesn’t seem to be able to grasp is that his speeches referring directly to Islam, and linking that to terrorism, can only have the complete opposite effect.

About 99.9 per cent of our Islamic population neither support nor encourage terrorism, but I would imagine 100 per cent of them are totally aware of the UK’s involvement in illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which have caused genocide.

While it is easy to pin responsibility for this on Blair and his cronies, there was little or no opposition from the Conservative Party. So if we are serious about a single national identity we have to remember that the main influence on this is the UK’s foreign policy, and that, in future, we should stick to International Law.

Mr Cameron should bear this in mind before opening his mouth on the subject again.

R Lee, Burford Road, Witney