THE fight against the proposed libraries here in Oxford has produced a perfect platform for the Labour party’s recovery from the beating they so justly deserved at the last election.

East Oxford MP, the Hon Andrew Smith, spoke eloquently of his support for all the anti-library closure supporters filling the Town Hall last month.

It would seem that we could rely on him to render such proposed closures to the trash bin they so rightly deserve, and all of us in the Town Hall could go home and put our feet up.

Of course the idiotic coalition has laid itself exposed to the fierce anger of all who treasure libraries. I am not at all convinced that, left to politicians, they will be saved.

Politicians will feast off the anger produced against the coalition that dares to threaten those libraries, and will fan the flames of indignation that will be directed at them at the next election if the libraries are closed.

All those who value the excellent services provided by their libraries must find a way to stop them being used as a political football, which we could tee punctured as a result of politics.

Only public apathy will see our precious libraries closed.

ALBA THORNING, York Road, Headington, Oxford