Sir – I make four short responses to your library letters (January 20).

To Mrs Elizabeth Davey: The 23 libraries we are able to continue to fund account for 82 per cent of all library visits in Oxfordshire. I think that represents a comprehensive and efficient service and satisfies the Wirral judgment.

To Matthew Covill and Mrs Sylvia Vetta: Thank you very much for presenting challenging questions about alternative library models. This is precisely the Big Society process I am inviting all communities to join. The county council will consider these ideas seriously.

To Peter Furtado: The present law prevents us from charging for library books.

To Tony Augarde: County cabinet members work for three to four days per week in their role. Backbench county councillors work for one to two days per week. Eliminating any allowance would lead to councillors being drawn from the ranks of the wealthy, the retired and the champagne socialists and this cannot be good for democracy.

Keith R Mitchell, Leader of the council, County Hall, Oxford