How pleased I am that following several months of requests and campaigning by the Liberal Democrat opposition and people who will benefit, the ruling group on the county council has decided to allow mobility impaired and frail people over 60 years of age to use their bus passes for travel on the Dial-a-Ride scheme. This brings the service into line with the normal public transport bus system.

I trust that my further request that South Oxfordshire District Council will, at long last, join the scheme is also fulfilled.

They are the only one of the five Oxfordshire district councils which does not support a Dial-a-Ride scheme.

For six years the Liberal Democrat opposition on South Oxfordshire District Council has included a Dial-a-Ride scheme in its annual alternative budget, but the Tory- led council has refused saying that it is not needed.

David Turner, Liberal Democrat Shadow Cabinet Member, Transport Issues, Oxfordshire County Council.

Leader, South Oxfordshire District Council Liberal Democrats