The results of the two online petitions against library closures which I set up on the county council website are as follows: 497 people signed the petition to save Headington Library at Bury Knowle Park, and 1,032 people signed the petition to save all of Oxford’s libraries.

There is now a vigorous campaign under way which is determined to challenge these closures. Keith Mitchell will find it much harder than he imagines to defy the wishes of such a large sector of the public.

This is a cross-party campaign which includes people from across the community. A public meeting on January 11 was attended by people of all political persuasions.

Some of us believe that there would be plenty of money for libraries and many other things if our country was not throwing away £45m per day on EU membership. And that figure does not even take into account the costs of bailing out Greece and Ireland. Julia Gasper Paul Williams John Maden Oxfordshire UKIP