A MAJOR new Wantage town centre development incorporating shops and homes will boost the town’s fortunes, traders say.

Developer Vanderbilt Homes is to create five shops and 12 apartments on a site in Stirling Road, off Wallingford Street.

Two existing shops will be refurbished, with new shops behind and flats above.

One of the units is Blanshards fabric store, which is negotiating with Vanderbilt about staying. The other was home to Second Time Around, a used furniture store, but is now empty.

Mike Brown, manager of Rowes Newsmarket in Wallingford Street, said: “Wantage was a dying town but with more stores having opened in the town we are drawing more people in. And more houses means more people and more business.”

Chamber of Commerce vice-chairman Linda Hatter, who owns Top Hatters gift shop in Mill Street, said: “This is another step forward in the right direction – there is a great confidence in the town.”

A year ago, 25 shops were empty out of 180 units. But a recent survey by Vale of White Horse District Council showed that had fallen to 18.

That means eight per cent of units are empty, below the national average of 13 per cent.

The district council approved Vanderbilt’s plans last month and work is expected to start in February.