I accuse county council leader Keith Mitchell and the majority group of councillors, when they voted for the social services cuts, of exposing elderly and other vulnerable people in Oxfordshire to reductions in services which will be life-threatening.

The planned cuts in county council services combined with this recent very cold weather should make Mr Mitchell, all the Conservative councillors, and any others who may have voted for the cuts, think hard as to whether they may face corporate manslaughter charges in the next few months.

After all, the county council invested money during the past few years to train them and their managers to be aware of changes in the law which could indicate their culpability.

The pomposity and callousness of the leader of the council and his Conservative cronies is boundless when it comes to attacking the elderly, children and young people, and respectable hard working people of this county.

The council should reverse some of the worse cuts and pay for the difference by cutting, rather than just freezing, the pay of all senior and middle manager officers who earn more than £40,000.

Donating all of the leader’s, and other Conservative councillors’, allowances back into the council budget, may also help keep some vital services that are absolutely essential to so many vulnerable people.

Mr Mitchell should be absolutely ashamed of the cuts he is presiding over, especially at this time of year.

Sir, you are a disgrace and a font of embarrassment to the good people of Oxfordshire.

A A Williams, London Road, Headington, Oxford