Sir – The other day, I caught the end of someone from Oxfordshire County Council, on television, commenting that a £1 a day for parking one’s car at the park-and-ride car park was not bad!

I would not personally totally disagree with this statement, but it is obvious that the extra annual cost of say 44 working weeks in an average year, amounting to £200, in effect yet another extra tax, is not a lot to this individual who is, I suspect, on £30,000 or even more a year.

Does he not appreciate the impact of this amount on the annual income of say hospital workers, shop workers and those on the minimum wage. I feel that he is obviously totally unappreciative of the financial pressures on this section of our community; who are only going to work, often with a very early start to the day, unlike, I suspect, this individual.

M.F. Fawcett, Kidlington