Sir – Thanks for printing my ‘Fuss about Frideswide’ letter. It’s just crossed my mind that, apart from wasting money by changing a system which works incredibly well considering the constraints and stresses placed upon it, it would appear to have a remarkable safety record.

Your paper doesn’t seem to have reported any fatalities or serious accidents in the square. Those who would change it for the want of driver patience may very well find themselves liable in court for paying council cash to cause accidents.

I’d be the first to make a real fuss if something happened involving me or mine, but that’s not likely now because none of us enjoy anything much at all in Oxford. (I’d love the history and the architecture if it were worth the effort — the shopping certainly isn’t worth public transport or parking costs.) And just imagine roundabouts in Frideswide with the kind of weather we’re experiencing. No thanks! The risks aren’t worth it either.

John A Mills, Farmoor