Sir – Having read through Oxon News, which I must say is most informative, I found the Help Shape Transport very interesting.

Now then please, please, please, include something to be done about the approach to the Woodstock Road roundabout from Witney. If you did a survey you would find the majority of heavy transport turns left towards the A34.

Now these trucks have to go right out into the roundabout to turn left, or in fact if they go straight on, they have to take up more of the roundabout. Could something be done about widening this junction so that the trucks turning left can do so more easily and help speed up traffic. I would have thought that lessons would have been learnt when some bright spark had two cast-iron dumbbells put there, turning one artic over. One other comment, please get heavy truck and bus drivers to help design roads, because you can’t get them to drive round square corners. It is very obvious that the designers have never driven anything other than a car.

Roy Partridge, Cassington