A TERMINALLY-ill toddler will be guest of honour at the Kassam Stadium today after fans raised more than £4,000 to send her on the trip of a lifetime.

Supporters first heard of three-year-old Tess Sullivan’s plight before the Yellows played her local team Accrington Stanley in August.

Now Tess and her family, from Huncoat, near Accrington, Lancashire, have been invited for a stadium tour before watching the game from a corporate box. The family will also all receive Oxford United shirts from club chairman Kelvin Thomas.

A pitch-side presentation of the money — which came from matchday collections and donations — will be made to the family before kick-off.

Tess is one of only 50 children in the world to have Alexander disease, a rare genetic degenerative disorder.

She was diagnosed last year and is expected to die between the age of five and 10 years old because there is no known cure.

Tess won’t develop normally and will lose her mobility, eyesight and her ability to chew and swallow.

Her family are trying to raise money to take her on a Disney cruise.

The appeal was launched by lifelong United fan Dave Cudd, 52, from Amersham, who will meet the family for the first time.