Ittttttttttttttttttttttttt’s Christmassssssssssssssssss!

Not quite of course, but who’s counting?

And at this time of year, we can all be forgiven for dropping our ‘cool’, ditching our ‘attitude’ and ringing grannie, just to make sure she does really remember that we are her favourite grandchild.

So going out at this time of year is, to be honest, a treat.

Yes, there are always those who insist on drinking too much (that’s 90 per cent of everyone I guess), flirting too much (that’s 95 per cent of everyone too) and dancing (oh god, EVERYONE, no matter how awful, how old, how ‘inappropriate’, has to dance like Dad just once...).

So imagine how refreshing it is to discover a club where people not only look like they know how to dance, but can as well.

Of course, it helps that when it comes to attractiveness, all the boxes are also ticked.

Indeed, as these pictures can testify, The Bridge in Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, is something of a magnet for those who know: a. not only how to have a good time, but b. can do it with style too.

Tinsel, furry hats, glossy lipstick and more tinsel still seemed to be the order of the night, and add to that an atmosphere positively brimming over with festive exhuberance, and who couldn’t fail to start hearing the distant clip-clop of reindeer hooves across the night sky?

As for the music, there’s no need to skimp on the beat and the rhythm, so including just a few yuletide favourites merely adds icing to the dance floor cake (if that makes any sense?).

Looking at the positives then – it’s sexy, it’s fun and it’s chilled.

And the negatives?

Mmm. Can’t think of any.

Merry Christmas everyonnnnnnnnnnnnnnne!