TWO school stalwarts are retiring after clocking up over a half a century of service between them.

Didcot Girls’ School catering manager Lenore Mole, of Norreys Road, Didcot, leaves after 31 years, while the school’s senior science technician Val Walkinshaw, 64, who joined the staff in 1984, is also retiring at the end of term. Mrs Mole, 65, said: “I’m well known for sending a plate of Chelsea buns up to the staff room to keep the teachers going.”

She made a final tray to mark her last day at school. She said: “I have always enjoyed my time here although I nearly cut my finger off 15 years ago when I was sharpening some knives. but I went back to work the next morning.”

She said her work had changed: “There is more emphasis on healthy eating now than 20 years ago.”