Jean Fooks cannot be allowed to get away with sitting on the fence as in her letter (Tuesday’s ViewPoints).

The Liberal-Conservative coalition government is cutting public spending to restore a balanced national budget and to maintain confidence in our ability as a nation to meet our financial obligations.

This is after a decade-long spending binge by Gordon Brown.

One result of that squeeze on spending is that we can no longer afford to maintain a network of 43 libraries in Oxfordshire and we are proposing to concentrate our funding on 23 libraries that account for 82 per cent of all library visits.

If we do not make savings of £2m by ceasing to fund 20 libraries, we need to make cuts somewhere else.

Mrs Fooks needs to tell us all whether the axe should fall on adult social care; safeguarding of vulnerable children; care for those with a learning disability; our youth service; our fire and rescue service or highways maintenance?

I know it is more comfortable on the fence, Mrs Fooks, but you can't stay there.

You need to tell your constituents how you would implement the reduction in public spending that is required by the Liberal-Conservative coalition government. Where is the axe to fall?

Keith R Mitchell, Leader of the Council, County Hall, Oxford