This is one of the many recipes that formed part of the Thyme at Southrop’s Game Cookery day. The delightful thing about this recipe is that it is so quick and easy to cook. The addition of red pomegranate seeds gives it that seasonal touch, which means it is an ideal starter during the festive season. It can be made with an assortment of game bird breasts, or just one type, the meat you add is up to you.

YOU WILL NEED 500g selection of game bird breasts and fillets One large knob of butter 4 tbspn olive oil 1 tsp sherry or red wine vinegar 100g small salad leaves and herbs One pomegranate.

Method: Peel the pomegranate and remove seeds. Reserve until needed.

Season the game and pan-fry very briefly in the butter so that it stays pink inside, then transfer to a cooling rack, over a baking tray.

Keep the cooked game warm, reserving all the juices that remain in the frying pan and fall on to the baking tray.

To make the vinaigrette dressing, whisk the oil, vinegar and hot game juices together and season to taste.

On a large plate (or four separate dishes) lay out the leaves, slice the game thinly and scatter the meat over the salad leaves Scatter the pomegranate seeds on top.

Pour the warm vinaigrette dressing and serve immediately with crunchy home-made bread that will soak up the juices.