To highlight the effect of the lengthy conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, an exhibition of photographs featuring everyday occurrences witnessed by members of the Overseas disability charity CBM is on show at the University Church until December 14. It has been put together by the Refugee Studies Centre, Oxford Department of International Development, University of Oxford.

No Peace of Mind is not a large exhibition, but it is, nevertheless, a very moving collection of photographs, each telling a story, showing that people with disabilities are particularly vulnerable in refugee situations.

Take Boy Carrying Sticks (above), photographed by Adrian Arbib in 1995.

It shows just how little firewood he gleaned, even though he had travelled miles from the camp for displaced people to collect them.

All that effort, and just how much heat would those sticks provide?

Would they be enough to cook a pot full of grain? Probably not.

A Pastor Praying, taken last year by Keith McAllister, captures a moving moment of prayer on a hospital ward and Adrian Arbib’s Truck picture shows the kind of transport which was used to return refuges back to Rwanda.

The troubled faces of those passengers clutching the bars of the truck as it moves away suggest pain, anxiety and confusion.

Reflecting on his images in this exhibition, Keith McAllister said: “The hardest challenge was to make something acceptable out of something which was grotesque in reality.”

For more information about this exhibition visit