Sir – I was so disappointed to hear that there are plans to shut down our library in Blackbird Leys. Community activities for those employed and under 55 years old are almost non-existent in our area, except in the local library.

All my life I have been privileged enough to have access to free library services in this country. I have always appreciated this, never taken it for granted and encouraged those who were unaware of this service to take full advantage of it.

I have often visited the library when caring for children, (not my own, who are fortunately, old enough, and able to get to the library themselves).

It has been a well-loved outing with youngsters to choose books or read a story. In a deprived area, to take away a source of positive activity, seems to me, to be thoughtless. Could we perhaps keep our library for fewer hours, rather than close it completely? Could we appeal for volunteers within our community to keep it going?

I for one, would be more than happy to offer my time to a facility that is such a irrefutable asset to our community.

Christine Rocks, Oxford