We were extremely concerned to hear that the Kidlington link of the 700 service to the John Radcliffe, Churchill and Nuffield hospitals in Headington, will be axed in December.

This is a vital service which staff and patients in Kidlington rely on. It is particularly important to elderly patients and visitors who may not drive and will then be forced to take two buses.

We understand that the service will be withdrawn because it is not viable, but many users of the service are prepared to pay higher fares if necessary to keep the service operating.

We all know what a problem parking is at the hospitals and this is an excellent solution which benefits the hospital as well as the staff and patients.

It also has the advantage of reducing individual car journeys, thus reducing congestion in Headington, especially at peak times.

We have written to Oxfordshire County Council, hospital management and RH Transport urging them to reconsider this decision and continue with this essential service.

Tim Emptage, Alaric Rose, Doug Williamson, Cherwell District Council