A CARE worker is hitting back at a clamping firm by warning other people to be careful where they park.

Janet Somerfeld, 48, had to pay £100 when she parked in a private car park to take two adults with learning difficulties to Banbury Fair.

She went into the car park off Cherwell Street at dusk and claimed a small ‘private parking’ warning sign was hidden by scaffolding.

She said: “This sign in my opinion was poorly placed and there was no lighting. After returning to my car, I discovered it was clamped.”

A man who approached her demanded £117.50 before he would release the clamp, but eventually took £100.

A member of staff at clamping firm BWT Enforcement said he did not know about the incident earlier this month, but added: “There are 18 signs there, but don’t take my word for it, go and have a look.”