I WRITE with reference to Peter Collett’s letter in the Oxford Mail on October 26.

Does Mr Collett have no understanding of the mess the last Labour government left this country in? Due to years of borrowing against false forecasts of economic growth, which never materialised, this country is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Harsh measures are absolutely necessary to tackle the damage done by Gordon Brown, and while nobody is going to enjoy the cuts being enforced by the Coalition, we are all going to have to accept some pain in the short term in order to secure the country’s long term recovery.

Debt has to be repaid, whether at a personal, corporate, or national level.

I am going to be affected by the cuts as much as anyone else, but I would rather face the hardship myself now than leave the problem for my children and grandchildren to face.

The one point in Mr Collett’s letter with which I would agree, concerns overseas aid.

But, let’s face it, the amount of money being sent overseas is a drop in the ocean when compared to the country’s deficit.

However, I do acknowledge that charity should begin at home.

Mr Cameron is doing things the correct way.

It’s painful, but it’s the only way to address the deficit.

Contrary to Labour belief, you can’t borrow your way out of debt.

Ed Miliband running the country? I wouldn’t trust him to run a bath.

Simon Hammond Ramsons Way Abingdon