WE, the undersigned Oxford charities, would like to place on record our gratitude to the Oxford Food Bank for its first year of service to charities in Oxford – and to wish it a very happy birthday.

For the past year volunteers have delivered fruit, vegetables and bakery goods to our charities.

The operation runs seven days a week, and since they started work they haven’t missed a single day.

The Food Bank is entirely staffed by volunteer drivers with support from student helpers.

Apart from the financial benefits – which are worth tens of thousands of pounds to us – we have been able to improve significantly the diet of the people we serve.

Our clients, who are among the poorest and most vulnerable in the city, now get ample quantities of good quality fresh fruit and vegetables every day.

Food Bank deliveries also prevent waste food going to scarce landfill sites.

Our thanks also to Sainsbury’s and Fresh Direct which have both generously supported the Food Bank with daily donations of food.

The project is now a vital part of the charity scene in Oxford. It saves other projects money and prevents wholesome food being thrown away. We would like to express our deep appreciation for everything the volunteers at the Food Bank have done for us and to wish the organisation a long and fruitful life.

Signed by representatives of the following groups: Oxford Homeless Pathways at O’Hanlon House Emmaus Oxford The Gatehouse Two Saints at Lucy Faithfull House The Porch Steppin’ Stone Donnington Doorstep Family Centre Restore The Mill (Oxfordshire Mind) Hyped – One Foot Forward