SO Pcso Natalie Thrussell thinks people need to be more tolerant (Oxford Mail, October 27)?

Why is a Pcso even getting involved with acting as a spokesman for Thames Valley Police? The Pcsos I have seen in Abingdon are about as much use as a chocolate ashtray.

Some of the common disputes that were identified are not even police matters, they are council matters. Therefore the call centre should be redirecting the public over matters of “rubbish left in shared alleyways or communal areas, over-hanging trees and disputes over boundaries and ownership” to the relevant authorities.

It sounds like there is a training issue here. There are laws in place for nuisance neighbours and they need to be addressed by the relevant authority, whether that is the police, environmental health or council officials.

As for knocking on doors, does she think that people have not tried this or are too intimidated to do so?

JOHN J MONAGHAN, Cotman Close, Abingdon