Sir – Since the “super-loos” (report, October 14) cannot now be provided, the obvious thing to do is to re-open and extend the times of opening of the ones that were closed in anticipation of this happening.

The increased number of visitors to Oxford this summer, as well as the regular shoppers and the many homeless, have been faced with reduced toilet facilities.

Even those with some local knowledge (including the tourist information centre) cannot direct visitors to toilets with any certainty that they will be open.

The ones closed carry pointless notices giving a phone number and the location of other toilets — also likely to be closed and directing one back to the previous toilet.

To make matters worse, Oxford’s latest attraction, Oxford Castle Unlocked, visited by classes of schoolchildren and other groups, has no toilets; and the minimal ones in the adjoining cafe now carry a notice saying that they are for cafe patrons only.

Councils are not legally obliged to provide public toilets, but this should have been a planning consideration.

Robert Sephton Kennington