A NUISANCE neighbour has been slapped with an Asbo to stop him drinking in the street.

Neighbours of Leslie Belcher in Magdalen Road, East Oxford, last night welcomed the action by Oxford Magistrates’ Court.

Yesterday’s court order means the 49-year-old is banned from drinking or possessing alcohol in public anywhere within the ring road.

He is also prevented from congregating with people in his street or front garden and from using threatening or intimidating language and behaviour.

Belcher, wearing a cream tracksuit, accepted the conditions at yesterday’s hearing.

Magistrates heard he was now on a detox programme and working hard to stop his drinking.

City councillor Saj Malik, board member for safer communities, said: “Leslie Belcher had a severely detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in his community with his irresponsible, often childish, intimidating behaviour.

“Those who live in close proximity to him had been particularly severely affected.”

Belcher was handed an interim Asbo in August, but the council decided to push ahead with a full order despite his progress.

Magistrates head Belcher’s behaviour was reported on many occasions to police and at meetings of the East Oxfordshire Neighbourhood Action Group.

A member of staff at Oxford Cycle Workshop in Magdalen Road said: “We have had problems with Leslie in the past for years, but he does seem to have cleaned his act up since the police started breathing down his neck.

“It is just constant antisocial behaviour and verbal abuse, but since the interim Asbo, he has been much better, so it has worked. This is great news.

“At the end of the day, I can go home, but residents here are stuck with it all night. Hopefully this will improve the atmosphere and quality of life for everyone.”

Another shopkeeper, who wished to remain anonymous, said: “It’s not malicious behaviour, but he has his friends around all the time and they get very rowdy and a bit intimidating.

“One man came in here the other day who said he could barely leave his house to go to the shop because he was scared.

“It’s just not nice and for people who live here, it must be every evening, weekend and into the night.

“This Asbo should hopefully prove quite helpful.”

Mr Malik added: “If he breaches this Asbo he will have to face the consequences.

“This is an excellent example of partnership working and a community taking ownership of a problem to bring it to an end.”

Police are appealing for people to help enforce the Asbo by reporting any breaches of its conditions to them. Anyone with information can call Thames Valley Police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

Anyone suffering problems with antisocial behaviour can call the city’s Crime and Nuisance Team on 01865 252969.