A PAINTING by Oxford artist Emmie van Biervliet became the face of a prestigious art event in London this week.

The 27-year-old was picked from hundreds of artists to have her work displayed on the advertising at Art for Youth London, a national youth work charity exhibition.

The work, called The Istanbul Ark, appeared on posters, the programme and all publicity for the event, which took place at the Royal College of Art on Wednesday and Thursday.

She said: “This is a huge honour to have my work displayed for such a prestigious event. Art for Youth London attracts some really big names in the art world and it’s amazing to think they will all get to see my work.”

The show is an annual event which raises money for art-based charities and initiatives in the UK.

It has raised more than £900,000 in the 23 years it has been running.

Miss van Biervliet said: “I just submitted some pictures, but didn’t think I would get them accepted because it’s such a big show.

“So many important people are involved so I was thrilled when I was selected, as there is a real buzz around it.”

The cause is especially close to Miss van Biervliet, who also works at Oxford charity The Art Room, based at Oxford School, where art is used to help five- to 16-year-olds who are having difficulties at school.

Teachers work with the children to boost their self-esteem, self-confidence and independence.

It has received funding from the proceeds of the Art for Youth events in the past.