THIS Government is in a no-win situation. With every move it makes to try to steady the economy and the deficit, it is attacked for yet another cut.

But the question has to be: What else can it do?

We are in a hugely difficult financial mess and the Coalition has to make tough choices. It has a job to do and if it does not succeed the UK will find itself in a similar position to Greece, Spain and Ireland.

There has been an outcry over the plan to cut child benefit for those where at least one parent earns more than £44,000-a-year.

It is true that on the face of it, the Government has not fully thought through the ramifications.

It is ridiculous that a couple where one person earns £45,000 and the other nothing will lose the benefit yet a couple who earn up to £86,000 will not.

Child benefit is a payment that aids the family unit rather than the individual taxpayer and so surely it would make more sense for the threshold to be based on joint income.

The Government must address this discrepancy – but should income earners at that level really be receiving benefits?

The blunt fact is that ultimately cuts must be made.