Sir – It was reported in The Oxford Times (September 30) that the city council is expecting a full planning application for the Horspath wind turbine in March 2011.

However, CPRE Oxfordshire understands that it is important to obtain a full year's readings from a trial mast prior to making a formal application for a wind turbine, in order to make a reliable assessment of wind speeds and therefore efficiency in generating energy – which is the purpose after all.

Indeed, in the city council’s report, it says: “a met mast, which is the structure which assists in gaining data on wind speed, will be erected at the Horspath site to conclude the wind data already received from anemometers already in place.”

But interestingly the council does not say that permission would be sought for such a mast. We would remind the city council that full planning applications will be required for both the test mast and the turbine itself, thus providing local people with a suitable opportunity to have their say on this proposal.

CPRE would also like to take this opportunity to re-state our firm view that the Green Belt at Horspath is totally the wrong location for obtrusive development like this and that a single wind turbine on this site is very unlikely to be an efficient producer of energy.

We need a strategic, rational approach to renewable energy – not token gestures like this.

Dr Helena Whall, Campaign manager, CPRE Oxfordshire