Howard Stapleton, the inventor of the mosquito device, which, he claims, deters youths from behaving antisocially, is looking for a new Oxford site to locate his equipment.

Let’s be clear, this is an acoustic weapon which targets children, including babies.

When a similar device was used in Hamburg recently, the director of the local child protection agency said he was appalled and angry, and questioned whether its use constituted a criminal offence.

A Council of Europe report has suggested that use of the mosquito may breach human rights law.

Yet here in Oxford we hear nothing from child protection agencies or the police – and city councillors are apparently quite happy.

Blackbird Leys Parish Council chairman Gordon Roper also approves of the mosquito device sited by the estate’s Premier Supermarket.

Have we really lost all sense of civil liberties in this country?

If there is trouble with local youths, this can only be solved by community action in conjunction with determined police work.

Reliance on invasive technology – whether the mosquito, CCTV, or tasers – is an admission of failure.

I suggest the people of Oxford tell Mr Stapleton we want nothing whatsoever to do with his unpleasant invention.

Chris Brewer, McCabe Place, Headington, Oxford